Friday, July 31, 2009

A Medium of Ideas

The other day, I asked a girl I work with about her art. She said, "I want to work in a medium of ideas."

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Trying to keep up with this blog...

"Also in the Frick show is a sumptuous painting by the sweet-tempered Bartolome Esteban Murillo, who ousted [Zurburan], late in his career, from clerical favor. 'The Birth of St. John the Baptist' (c.1660) teases softly glowing figures, including a rumpus of putti, from ambient blackness, with baby John, at the center, managing to be realistically infantile while conveying, by look and gesture, that he can't wait to get started prophesying."

Peter Schjeldahl, The New Yorker [April 6, 2009].